Studies have not shown much as for the long term side effects on children who's mom's used meth during pregnancy. However, what you describe is .
. brain damage, although the exact effects of these drugs during pregnancy have been hard to pinpoint due to many other negative behaviors that often occur in meth users.
Meth & Pregnancy: Methamphetamine and . Methamphetamine use during pregnancy effects meth during pregnancy is . the last 1 to 3 months of the pregnancy. The full effect .
Best Answer: Well, the meth will be in the babys system when the baby is born. The first 4 weeks are critical in development, but I guess it's good that .
What you do during pregnancy can have a very real effect on how the baby inside you develops. While there is no way to say exactly how fetal development will be .
Think Learn more about the effects of alcohol and marijuana during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and drink alcohol or smoke pot, stop now. If you are .
Best Answer: First of all, if you're on it, get off of it. Especially if you are pregnant. "Methamphetamine:Common slang names: meth, speed, crystal, glass .
Best Answer: Well, the meth effects meth during pregnancy will be in the babys system when the baby is born. The first 4 weeks are critical in development, but I guess it's good that .
Includes: what is crystal meth?, what are the effects of crystal meth during pregnancy for the mother?, and how does crystal meth affect the baby?.
Mothers who smoke crystal meth risk complicated pregnancies. The drug can have long-term effects on babies. Drug abuse treatment needs to start early.
Meth Addiction and Pregnancy: Effects on the Fetus
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