Tools | Services and Fees | Contact | Glossary | . PDR - Preliminary Design Review; PECO - Pre-engineering Change Order
405 Appendix 1 Acronyms, Abbreviations, Glossary HST Hubble Space Telescope HTV H-II . Pacific Command Ship PCU Power Control Unit PDL Ponce de Leon Station PDR Preliminary Design Review .
Project Baseline Review (PBR) 3. Preliminary Design Review (PDR) 4. Operational Readiness Review (ORR) . Glossary - Opens in a new window
12.0 Glossary 12 . LIST OF FIGURES . 1. Figure on expected science results 3 . It fulfills part of the ACES Program requirements for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) to be .
. Related Terms: CDR, CIDR, CODR, Critical Design Review (CDR), IDR, PDR, PRDR, Preliminary Design Review . DoD Missile Defense Agency; DoD Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary v3.0
CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW. Systems Engineering Glossary. Systems Engineering
ATMS-2009-13-0034 ATMS Glossary Version B.1 1 ATMS Glossary The ATMS Glossary is . Physical Configuration Audit PCD Program Control Directive PDR Preliminary Design Review PEP Program .
Appendix Cprovidesa Glossary of terms used in this standard. *. iii . Conduct testability review as part of preliminary design review Detail preliminary design review glossary design Incorporate .
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PDR, CDR, QR: Preliminary Design Review, Critical preliminary design review glossary . Opzioni: - Contribuisci a questa voce - Include in personal glossary
(KudoZ) English to Italian translation of PDR, CDR, QR: Preliminary Design Review, Critical Design . View questions Term search Ask question Leaders KudoZ glossaries GBK glossary
Browse Related Terms: CDR, CIDR, CODR, IDR, PDR, PRDR, Preliminary Design Review (PDR), SDR, SDRU, SSDR, . DoD Missile Defense Agency; DoD Ballistic Missile Defense Glossary v3.0